Sedih rasanya nak taip entri ni. Kalau boleh tak nak ingat langsung seolah-olah perkara ni tak pernah terjadi. Tapi selepas muhasabah diri, saya cari sudut positif di sebalik kejadian ini.
Alhamdulillah secara fizikal, tak ada kecederaan langsung. Tak ada luka, tak ada darah, tak ada lebam. Tapi kecederaan emosi, pasti ada. Sebab A.D nangis sekuat hati. Hubby dah pergi kerja. Cuma kami berdua di rumah. Tangisan A.D, walaupun baru mula beberapa saat, dah buat saya cemas. Cepat-cepat saya call hubby. Saya buat loud speaker sebab saya sambil peluk anak. Syukur alhmdulillah, dengar je suara papa dia, A.D berhenti nangis. Lama jugak la tersedu-sedu. Lepas off hand phone, saya cuba main dengan A.D, alhmdulillah dia respon macam biasa, siap gelak-gelak lagi. Mujur A.D selamat. Tapi esoknya, A.D demam. Berjangkit dengan saya. Malam tu kami bawa ke klinik. Kami bagitahu doktor yang A.D jatuh katil semalam, then harini demam. Doktor check,just demam biasa. Paru-paru tak ada masalah. Tangan, mulut dan kaki pun bersih.
Alhamdulillah secara fizikal, tak ada kecederaan langsung. Tak ada luka, tak ada darah, tak ada lebam. Tapi kecederaan emosi, pasti ada. Sebab A.D nangis sekuat hati. Hubby dah pergi kerja. Cuma kami berdua di rumah. Tangisan A.D, walaupun baru mula beberapa saat, dah buat saya cemas. Cepat-cepat saya call hubby. Saya buat loud speaker sebab saya sambil peluk anak. Syukur alhmdulillah, dengar je suara papa dia, A.D berhenti nangis. Lama jugak la tersedu-sedu. Lepas off hand phone, saya cuba main dengan A.D, alhmdulillah dia respon macam biasa, siap gelak-gelak lagi. Mujur A.D selamat. Tapi esoknya, A.D demam. Berjangkit dengan saya. Malam tu kami bawa ke klinik. Kami bagitahu doktor yang A.D jatuh katil semalam, then harini demam. Doktor check,just demam biasa. Paru-paru tak ada masalah. Tangan, mulut dan kaki pun bersih.
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Muka demam hari ke-2 |
A.D sayang,
On April 9th, 2014 you turned to 7 month-old. On the same date, ummi woke up as early as 2:00 am to complete some online works at Microworkter (I didn't do this frequently. Only when I feel like doing good and when you had a tight sleep). By 4:30 am, I started to cook nasi goreng for puasa-ganti's sahur and then performed sunat prayers. While performing prayer, I heard you crying. But it's ok because papa was there accompanying you to sleep. Your cries became louder and therefore insisted ummi to go upstairs to brestfeed you. It was 5:40 am when I'm done breastfeeding you, just few minutes before waktu sahur gone. I slowly put you back on the bed and quickly went downstairs for sahur. Great! Ummi managed to do it, sayang.
On April 9th, 2014 you turned to 7 month-old. On the same date, ummi woke up as early as 2:00 am to complete some online works at Microworkter (I didn't do this frequently. Only when I feel like doing good and when you had a tight sleep). By 4:30 am, I started to cook nasi goreng for puasa-ganti's sahur and then performed sunat prayers. While performing prayer, I heard you crying. But it's ok because papa was there accompanying you to sleep. Your cries became louder and therefore insisted ummi to go upstairs to brestfeed you. It was 5:40 am when I'm done breastfeeding you, just few minutes before waktu sahur gone. I slowly put you back on the bed and quickly went downstairs for sahur. Great! Ummi managed to do it, sayang.
I fell asleep after Subuh prayer, on the bed, next to you. Extremely exhausted, perhaps. I was under semi-conscious condition when papa said he off to work but I could remember papa kissed us as usual. I fell asleep again until 9.30 am. At that time, you'd already woke up, playing and rolling on the bed alone.
Knowing that you are now expert in rolling over your body, ummi and papa took precaution by blocking the edge of the bed using as many pillows as we can because only two of us sleeping on the bed (papa sleeps on the floor). When I sleep together with you, I became the divider, too (^_^).
When I woke up at 9:30 am, I wanted to bring you downstairs. But don't know why, I felt so dizzy like I'm sick. I tried to close my eyes for couples of second but it turned to sleep for couples of minute. By the time I opened my eyes, oh no! You'd already laid down on the floor!!!
Knowing that you are now expert in rolling over your body, ummi and papa took precaution by blocking the edge of the bed using as many pillows as we can because only two of us sleeping on the bed (papa sleeps on the floor). When I sleep together with you, I became the divider, too (^_^).
When I woke up at 9:30 am, I wanted to bring you downstairs. But don't know why, I felt so dizzy like I'm sick. I tried to close my eyes for couples of second but it turned to sleep for couples of minute. By the time I opened my eyes, oh no! You'd already laid down on the floor!!!
alaa..sian danish jatuh katil ke. jgn risau nurul, mujahid 2 kali jatuh katil, sekali jatuh buai (what a careless mom). mmg lpas jatuh kali kedua tu aku terus bukak katil..huhu. so far Alhamdulillah xde mudarat. dah nak setahun mujahid bulan ni :)
ReplyDeletehappy birthday mujahid.. sian dia smpai 3 x jatuh. tp, nasib baik sihat kan?? comel je mujahid. danish ni xmau bulat la badan dia.